Create a profitable heart-centered business

while empowering the next generation of girls

Join The GiRLiFE Academy LIVE


There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.

Sir. Richard Branson

Hey Brilliant Woman!

Yes, I mean you - the beautiful soul sitting on the other side of this screen. 

You’re brilliant…

You’ve got a light to shine (even if you don’t realize it yet), and a world to change with all of the important work that you do.

BUT, you’re feeling confused about your next steps. 

Something deep inside keeps telling you that there’s more.

There’s more impact to be made.

You’ve got a bigger purpose to fulfill in this world.

You just haven’t figured out what that looks like yet.

And you’re looking for a sign from the universe to show you which path to take...

Does any of the following sound like you?

  • You want to do meaningful heart-centered work that makes an impact in your community, but you feel guilty about charging for it. You wish there was a way to live a profitable life AND do the important work that sets your soul on fire.

  • You have a passion for working with and empowering young girls and would like to help them flourish.

  • You’re tired of feeling undervalued, and underpaid, but it feels like the work you really WANT to do just doesn’t bring in the income you need to thrive.

  • You’re tired of being controlled by your job and your schedule. You wish you had the freedom to spend time with your children and be there for the important moments. You wish you didn’t have to work so much, for so little return.

  • You’d love to start your own business but you feel like an imposter because your nine-year old self was never given the support and the tools she needed to know that she had untapped and unlimited potential. You have no idea where to even start!

  • You’ve dabbled in a lot of different business ideas but haven’t found anything that sticks and you’re frustrated at the prospect of trying out a new idea in case it doesn’t work AGAIN.

I’ve got something profound to tell you so please listen up…

You’re not to blame for your feelings of inadequacy and overwhelm.

The world is full of stereotypes, impossible expectations, and unrealistic standards for women and girls. 

It’s almost impossible to find quiet in all the noise.

Did you know, research shows that because of all the pressure in today’s world, a young girl’s self confidence peaks at age 9?

After 9, they steadily start to lose self esteem. 

Furthermore, there aren’t many places where girls this age are encouraged, supported, and empowered with tools to nourish their minds, bodies, and souls, and you probably didn’t get enough of this support you so deeply needed growing up either.

So I really want you to know that...

  • It’s ok to be imperfect (in fact it’s required - beautiful imperfection is part of being human)
  • It’s ok to be uncertain (uncertainty breeds possibility)
  • It’s ok to not have everything all figured out just yet (the world is alive with opportunities)

You are MORE than ENOUGH and the world needs your light 💡

What if I told you,

  • That there are untapped superpowers inside of you just waiting to be set free.
  • That you could be part of changing the narrative for young girls by helping them grow up feeling confident, nourished, supported, and equipped for their futures.
  • You could give them the support that your eight-year-old self wishes she had.
  • That you could also turn this passion for empowering girls into a lucrative business.

Would you embrace your destiny by taking the first step?

Imagine if you could wake up every day feeling:

  • Excited to start doing work that is deeply meaningful and impactful, but ALSO well-compensated

  • Peaceful because you get to do work on your own terms and not the other way round. You are in control of your time and schedule.

  • Centered because you’re no longer part of the 9-5 hustle where you were constantly rushing, stressing, and living life in a cubicle.

  • Grateful that you have created a heart-centered business where you empower, serve, and celebrate girls on a daily basis. 

  • A deep sense of fulfillment because you get to make a difference in young girl’s lives and watch them grow and blossom into their true selves.

  • Confident in who you are as a person and in what you’re able to achieve, knowing that when you are living out your purpose, you are inspiring the girls you serve to do the same.

You CAN be a catalyst for change in the world while living life abundantly, and with ease and grace.

How do I know? Well, I’ve been there.

Hi, I’m Melody!

Author of XOXO From A Girl Who Gets It and Empowered Women Empower Girls, host of the Empowering Her podcast, certified empowerment coach, twin girl mama, and the creator of the GiRLiFE Academy, a certification program for women who want to empower a young generation of girls across the globe, by creating a meaningful heart-centered business.

But before all of that, I felt like I was just a nine-year-old girl in a world that tried to dim her light and tell her that she isn’t enough. 

Can you relate?

After working as a coach with hundreds of women helping them to unlearn the fears they picked up during adolescence, I realized that emotional intelligence is not taught properly in schools. Yet it’s the number one thing that can support a young girl in and throughout her entire life.

So I decided to make it my mission to set our next generation of girls up with an unshakable mindset so they can move through their lives with intention, ease and grace… especially when it’s hard.

I truly believe that empowered women empower girls. When we step up, even when it’s done imperfectly, we give our girls permission to step up for themselves too, and to try new things without feeling they need to be perfect too.

GiRLiFE is changing the statistics for today’s nine-year-old girls, and opening up their futures. We’re changing the narrative one girl at a time. It’s a movement but it’s also a family. It’s a home for like-minded, heart-centered, budding entrepreneurs who want to make an impact AND a profit.

Let me show you how you can join our growing family.


A proven business blueprint designed to help you offer and lead transformational empowerment workshops to the girls in your community.

The GiRLiFE Academy is a certification program for women which includes everything you need to create a heart-centered, profitable, girls empowerment business.

With hundreds of women having already been through the program and already successfully running their own girls empowerment businesses, the GiRLiFE Academy offers a proven path for success in the girls empowerment world.

Essentially it’s the blueprint for a new world where girls learn to live a life beyond limits, and learn to look inwards for direction, rather than letting the outside world define them.

It's an ideal fit for anyone like me who needs to be adding value to the world while making an income. 

GiRLiFE has been an exciting new direction for me to focus my coaching practice! It's an ideal fit for anyone like me who needs to be adding value to the world while making an income. This program is so beautifully laid out, with enough detail to keep it straightforward, yet enough space to let my creativity soar. A sneak peek into this program would look like a compilation of the wisdom and teachings from today's top thought leaders (Louise Hay, Gabby Bernstein, Danielle LaPorte) and making it child sized. GiRLiFE is EXACTLY what I wanted to create at 17, when I knew my purpose was to empower young girls. Unfortunately at the time I let the overwhelm of where to start sideline my dream. Thank You Melody for being the divine yet down to earth soul sister that you are! I know that because of you we will have an integral role in the rise of a generation of truly empowered young women who know, love and accept themselves.

Melissa Ross, New Brunswick, Canada

How is GiRLiFE Academy different from anything else you’ve tried?

  • It’s everything you need to set you up for success 

GiRLiFE Academy is a ‘business-in-box’. I’ve done all of the groundwork and the testing for you, and am proud to have a community of 200+ active GiRLiFE coaches across the globe. You’ll receive everything you need to create a successful business including mindset tools and marketing support. It’s like the Harvard of girls empowerment program. 

  • It’s more than a program, it’s like joining a family

GiRLiFE Academy is NOT just another program that expects you to complete the modules on your own, in your own time, without any support. When you sign up, you’ll become part of the GiRLiFE community for life - an exclusive community of experienced coaches available to help you when you get stuck. You’ll also find yourself an accountability ‘partner in shine’ so that you can set goals and help each other reach them.

  • You’ll become a better version of yourself while helping girls do the same

GiRLiFE helps you to become the empowered woman you were never taught to be as a nine-year old girl. You’ll be showing young girls what it’s like to be living out your purpose, and giving them permission to do the same. Furthermore you can charge unapologetically for your work, knowing that it provides such immense value.

I encourage you to be a part of this movement"

Before we are women we are first girls who must find our way and strength to become a woman. I encourage you to be a part of this movement.

Charissa Patterson-Martinez, GiRLiFE Coach

Once you’ve achieved your GiRLiFE Certification you will...

  • Earn unapologetically while being your own boss so that you can become financially independent.

  • Be in charge of your own schedule (work as much or as little as you want).

  • Become more confident in yourself and what you offer the world, so that you live life in line with your soul’s true purpose. 

  • Be able to show young girls a world where there are no limits, stereotypes, impossible expectations and unrealistic standards for women, so that they can flourish.

  • Wake up in the morning excited to start doing work that is heart-centered, deeply meaningful and impactful, but ALSO well-compensated!

I’ve always had a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit, and this seemed like the perfect fit for me! 

I decided to become a GiRLiFE coach because I’ve always had a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit, and this seemed like the perfect fit for me! I have three young daughters and the workshops are just so perfect for them. I loved that Melody had done all of the leg work for me, and all I had to do was actually start running workshops. This opportunity allows me to be creative and set my own schedule. I have absolutely loved every moment of becoming a GiRLiFE coach.  It completely fills my cup!

Janelle Lockwood, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

When you sign up for the GiRLiFE Academy, you’ll have immediate access to...

GiRLiFE Academy Curriculum

A comprehensive set of online lessons, spaced out over 35 weeks, designed to help you overcome your own fears and mindset blocks before learning all of the basics you need to run your own workshops for girls in your community. You’ll be able to run your first workshop after week 10, and start bringing in an income. [value $6000+]

GiRLiFE Business-In-A-Box

Everything you need to plan and facilitate 17 empowerment workshops for girls [value $3500+]

  • Workshop walkthrough and audio with corresponding slides so you can plan everything out well in advance.
  • An icebreaker activity to use if you're hosting a workshop with girls who don't know each other well.
  • A craft matching each workshop theme with step-by-step instructions and a resource list of recommended items for each workshop.
  • Suggested playlists & buzzwords so you can create the right kind of environment and vibe for fun!
  • A nutrition section with recipes and instructions to use with each workshop.
  • Dialogue prompts, worksheets, and all materials you need to get started.
  • An introduction & follow up letter templates you can use for marketing & promotion.
  • Pricing recommendations & location ideas for planning your first workshop. 

A Comprehensive Marketing Toolkit

Take the guesswork out of marketing your workshops.

You’ll receive a comprehensive marketing toolkit that comes packed with templates for all the graphics you will need for your Facebook business page, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest posts and ads, flyers, business cards and more! [value $1500+]

Lifetime Membership To Our Exclusive GiRLiFE Coach Community

Hosted on Facebook, which includes regular live trainings and Q&A sessions, as well as personal support from Melody [Value $1000+]

The Partner In Shine Program

Get paired up with another woman in our program in an accountability partnership so that you can help each other shine. In this relationship, you will be supported to thrive and stay aligned with your mission of girls empowerment. [Value $500+]

Nutrition BONUS Module

I draw on my experience as a certified health coach to provide guidance for a healthy body that supports a healthy mind. [Value $1000]

Virtual Workshops BONUS Module

Learn how to run online workshops without losing out on the fun.

[Value $1000+]

The Art of Giving BONUS Workshop

This is a great way to give back during the holidays while also promoting your workshops by giving young girls a taste of your offerings.

My Diversity Shines BONUS Workshop

This workshop is all about teaching girls that what makes them unique is what makes them powerful and beautiful.

The Rising Into Resilience BONUS Workshop

This workshop is all about teaching girls that what makes them unique is what makes them powerful and beautiful.

PLUS: Lifetime access to additional training & bonus workshops.

We’re always adding new modules and workshops to our training. Lifetime access is included. [Value $priceless]

It's worth every penny. Glad I took the leap! 

The GiRLiFE Certification Program was by far one of the best investments I've made...not only for myself, but for my daughters and the girls in our community. The content is great. It's so well written and easy to follow. The entire program is so well done and it's chock full of amazing tips on how to run your own workshops. And not to mention Melody Gabay Pourmoradi is awesome. She's there for you every step of the way! It's worth every penny. Glad I took the leap!

Neli Tavares Hession, Rhode Island, RI

I've been able to make a profit as my workshops keep growing. 

I am glad I invested in the GiRLiFE program. I really didn't know what I was getting myself into as the value has been beneficial for the girls and myself as well. The program is easy to follow with all of the tools you need to get started right away. It's all about getting out there with your talents and creativity. I've been able to make a profit as my workshops keep growing. New opportunities have opened up. I'm not the same person as I have gained confidence by doing the workshops and starting my own business. Melody is always there for me and the other coaches. We are a true family!

Luz Hernandez, Southgate, California

Learning to manage our thoughts

The thoughts we choose to feed our mind are the most powerful tools we have to live a happy and healthy life.

Learning to have confidence in ourselves

Girls who truly believe in themselves and understand the influence of their own personal power, are happier, more confident, and experience peace in their lives and relationships.

Learning to unlock our potential

Opportunities are endless for us and that we are capable of living a life beyond the limits of our imagination, if only we believe that we can.

Girls who go through the GiRLiFE workshops walk away with...

  • A community of like-minded friends 
  • A strong understanding of their innate power over their thoughts 
  • Mind & body tools that they can use in ALL situations 
  • Confidence to make healthy choices for their bodies 
  • A craft to illustrate the many lessons of each workshop

This workshop is about teaching young girls how to transform their lives through appreciation and celebration of the abundance she has been given. The core message is that through the practice of gratitude, they can experience a radical shift in how they view their world and how they feel on a moment-to-moment basis. The goal is that they walk away with a deep understanding of the gifts that are present in their own lives.

This workshop is about teaching the girls that each of them is unique and brilliant in their own special way. The focus is on encouraging young girls to cultivate a loving and supportive relationship with themselves and knowing that they must become their own BFF to live a life of confidence and grace. The goal is that each girl walks away celebrating her strengths and understanding her value.

This workshop is about giving girls access to tools that can keep them in a comfortable & peaceful state, not only on a day to day basis but especially in situations that bring them anxiety and discomfort {doctor’s visits, test-taking, conflict}. The goal is that through the practice of meditating and deep breathing they can stay grounded and centered and feel well equipped to move beyond situations that are beyond their control.

This workshop focuses on empowering girls to recognize and trust their own inner voice. The focus is on showing them how to access that inner wisdom and use it in a way that will allow them to be their best, and most authentic self. The goal is that they walk away with a deep appreciation of how listening to that internal guidance system can help them live in a happier and healthier state.

This workshop is designed to teach young girls that they have the power and the potential to turn their dreams into a reality. This workshop lays out the steps required to effectively create a goal and take the necessary action to bring those goals into fruition. The intention is that that girls will walk away with an understanding of how their own personal will and hard work can create abundance in their lives. 

This workshop is designed to teach young girls that happiness is a feeling that comes from within. The focus is to help them understand that they have the power in any given situation to "choose happy" and to live in a way that brings them consistent joy. The goal is that girl will walk away with a toolbox of tips on how to choose to live in a positive state, as often as possible.

This workshop is all about the importance of being kind to ourselves and to those around us to create kindness on our planet and in our own day-to-day lives. The focus will be on showing girls how everything they do and say has a ripple effect within themselves and in the world around them. The goal is that they walk away with an understanding that on an individual level, they have the power to create kindness and positivity in their own hearts, in their own families and in their own communities.

This workshop is designed to teach young girls how to be a leader in their own lives, while empowering them to become mindful, conscious & positive role models for others. The core message is that by leading with their hearts, they can inspire change and positivity within themselves and those around them. The goal is that they walk away knowing that there is a natural-born leader inside each and every one of them.  

This workshop is about teaching girls how they can use their own personal power to heal themselves body, mind & soul. The focus is on getting in touch with who they truly are and what they truly need, so that they can use their minds to restore whole body health. The goal is that each girl walks away knowing that each of them has the power to play a part in the healing process.

This workshop focuses on teaching girls that by becoming aware of their perceptions, they can change the way they see the world and everyday situations in their own lives. They will come to understand that when they choose to take responsibility for their thoughts and their actions, they can become part of the solution, rather than placing blame on others and staying stuck in the problem. The goal is that they will learn how their very own perceptions shape the world for them and how they choose to experience it.

This workshop focuses on teaching girls that their mind and their body are very much connected. The focus is on showing them how to strengthen that connection so that they can live in a more healthy, peaceful and focused way. The goal is that they walk away with a deep appreciation of how their mind can positively impact their body, and how they can use their body to positively impact their mind.

This workshop is designed to teach young girls that by choosing the quality of the words they use on a moment to moment basis, they are actively also choosing the way that they live in this world. The intention is that by choosing empowering words when they speak to others and that through internal dialogue, they have the opportunity to positively affect their experience in this world.

This workshop aims to teach young girls that the relationship that they have with themselves is the single most important relationship in their life. They will learn how to nurture themselves and to first search for love, support and acceptance on the inside. The goal is that the girls will walk away with an understanding of how to nurture their unique friendship with themselves, so that they may also be empowered to create healthy relationships all around them.

This workshop aims to teach young girls that the power of the universe is within each of them. The focus will be on showing them that they have their own unique set of traits that will add value to their lives and the lives of others. The goal is that they walk away with an understanding of how to access the many superpowers that each of them has within them.

PLUS: These three BONUS Workshops:

This is a great way to give back during the holidays while also promoting your workshops by giving young girls a taste of your offerings. 

This workshop is all about teaching girls that what makes them unique is what makes them powerful and beautiful. 

A workshop designed to teach girls that every challenge is actually custom created to make them stronger and brighter.

Can I really earn for running GiRLiFE workshops?

The GiRLiFE Academy has been running since 2015, and I’ve seen 200+ coaches successfully complete the certification program and go on to run a profitable GiRLiFE business in their communities.

The GiRLiFE certification really is a proven path for success, and I’m confident that if you commit the time, and put in the heart work required, that this program will help you to create the purpose-led girls empowerment business you’ve always dreamed of.

Plus, we’ve run the stats on what you can earn for each workshop, proving you could earn your investment back within the first year. It may take you longer, but one thing I can wholeheartedly guarantee you is the support you need to make this business a success.

  • If you run just ONE series {for one age group} with 15 workshops and charge a fee of $40 per girl in your workshop, you can earn $600 per participant.
  • With just 10 girls in your workshop, you can earn $6000 for one series! With 15 girls, you can earn $9000 and with 20 girls, you can earn $12,000.

* these forecasts are not guaranteed. They are all contingent on the amount of heart work you put in, and the amount of workshops that you run actually. 

  • Now remember, this is for JUST ONE AGE GROUP! - If you offer two age groups or three age groups concurrently {which is totally doable}, you will double or triple that number!

Earning Potential for Virtual Workshops:

  • If you run just ONE series {for one age group} with 15 workshops and charge a fee of $15 per girl in your workshop, you can earn $225 per participant. With just 10 girls in your workshop, you can earn $2250 for one series! With 15 girls, you can earn $3375 and with 20 girls, you can earn $4500.
  • Remember this option is from the comfort of your own home….your bandwidth to run more workshops by simply using your computer is much greater so multiply these numbers by how many different series you will be running to calculate your monthly and yearly earnings!

Our groups have grown and continue to do so, making this program a worthwhile investment. 

I joined GiRLiFE early in 2021. I found GiRLiFE while looking to reignite my love for creating safer spaces for young girls and non binary youth to recognize their strengths, resist messages that limit them, and watch them step into their power. GiRLiFE did just that. What I love about the program is that all of content, marketing, community, knowledge sharing and so so much more is right there at my fingertips. All my workshops have been virtual due to the pandemic and each craft can be easily adapted to the created virtually with minimal supplies needed. My favorite part of the GiRLiFE curriculum is how flexible it is. I adapt the content to reach age groups of 6-11 and 12-16. In the few months that I have been facilitating, our groups have grown and continue to do so, making this program and worthwhile investment. Thanks so much Melody and GiRLiFE for this amazing gift you share with the world.

Krystal Snider, Niagara, ON, Canada

The GiRLiFE Academy certification is perfect for you if… 

  • You’re a woman in a leadership role with young girls and you want to expand your impact while earning an income doing what you love.

  • You want to build a profitable business where you can be your own boss, and have the freedom and flexibility to work part time, or spend time with loved ones.

  • You’re willing to commit to doing the work on your personal development, as well as putting in the time to work through the training modules in order to achieve the best outcomes.

  • You want to be part of and participate in a supportive and heart-centered community who are on a mission together to change the world.

Our community of our GiRLiFE Academy coaches includes: 

  • Professional women who want to make a difference in the lives of our future generation
  • Life & Health coaches who are looking to expand their practices 
  • Teachers who would like to offer empowerment classes
  • Girl Scout Leaders who would like to expand the scope of activities they offer
  • College students ready to share your wisdom with our younger generation
  • Social workers and school psychologists overseeing after-school programs
  • Coaches of girls’ sports teams who want to do a bonding activity with their team 
  • Religious instructors who want to share the message of health and happiness with their youth 
  • Moms who are home-schooling their daughters
  • Moms of daughters who want to build a safe place for their children to feel support and empowerment
  • If you don’t see yourself in this list, that’s ok, these are just examples. I’d love you to see you rock this in your own unique way.

My girls both have big entrepreneurial dreams and I wanted to support them in a big way. 

“It was meant to be that I found Melody. I come from a family of strong women, my mom worked in male-dominated industries, so I grew up watching her believe in her ability to go for it. I started following in her footsteps, but when I became a mom to two girls, I knew I wanted to take a step back and dedicate my time to them. My girls are 7 and 9 now and they already have big dreams for their lives. I really wanted to support them in a big way, and the GiRLiFE certification program has given me the tools to do that. When you become a coach, you really work on yourself first so that you can show up fully for others – this work is for me, this work is for my girls, and on top of that it’s a business! We all have so much to share and that’s the magic in this program.”

Erica Gutierrez, Mexico City, MX

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will people pay to join my workshops?

Yes. When people pay they pay attention. People value what they pay for. Think about the other expensive things people sign their children up for - sports, music lessons, after-school programs, summer camps, and more. People are willing to invest in their children and sign them up for programs that are enriching, encouraging, and empowering. Plus, what girl doesn’t need some guidance on the emotional and social components of growing up?

  • What if I don't feel qualified to lead workshops?

I get how that feels. This program starts with comprehensive mindset training where we’ll target each of your fears and blocks around running workshops. The curriculum itself is also very thorough. It’s a process, so by the time you start running workshops, you’ll do it with ease and confidence. 

  • How are the empowerment workshops for girls structured?

Each of the 17 workshops is a stand-alone two-hour get together, designed to be held in your town or virtually on Zoom, Facebook Live or even Instagram Live with young girls ages 5 and up. Host one or all 17 for a full on empowerment club.

  • When does the digital program start and finish?

The program starts the moment you sign up. You get access to the first module immediately and new content is released each week - for 10 weeks. You will receive access to your first TWO workshops on week 9, then a new workshop every-other week until week 35 when you'll receive the final 3 bonus workshops.

  • Why is content delivered in this way?

We drip the training materials over 10 weeks to help you avoid overwhelm and clearly understand what you should be focusing on, and when.

The workshops begin to deliver at week 9, because it's at that time that you'll have accessed all of the trainings necessary to effectively host your first workshops! As you get comfortable with the workshop material, we release an additional workshop every 2 weeks - again, to avoid overwhelm and allow you to familiarize yourself with the material at a manageable pace.

  • What if I don't want to wait for the content to be released? Can I get instant access to everything all at once?

W e don't recommend this method, however if there is a reason that you want to access all of the material at once, you will simply need to pay for the full program upfront (or pay off your remaining balance, if you've already started a payment plan) and request full-access.

  • How long will I have access to the resources, trainings, and other materials?

The content never expires. All materials and access to our exclusive membership community on Facebook will last a lifetime - plus you'll receive access to any updates that are added in the future!

  • What is the earning potential of running these workshops in my community?

The sky's the limit! As with all business ventures, the more often you provide workshops, and the more girls you have in each workshop, the greater the earning potential. It’s up to you how many times you run each of the fourteen workshops and for which age groups. 

  • How many girls do I need for a workshop?

You can have as few as 2 girls and as many as 20 girls to run a workshop. The dynamic of the workshop obviously changes based on the number of girls but ultimately the goal is to empow{her} and focus on the quality of the message and the magnitude of the contribution, knowing that it takes time to grow this group and have confidence that in time, you will attract the people who are truly open to this type of programming.

  • How do get paid for running a workshop?

In the curriculum there is a step-by-step guide on how much to charge for each of our workshops. All earnings are yours.

  • Do I receive any extra support as I’m setting up my own GiRLiFE workshop?

Yes! You get access to the exclusive GiRLiFE Facebook group where you will find support, guidance, and connection with our community of coaches. You receive an introduction phone session with Melody. We've set up a partner in shine program where you get setup with an accountability partner who is also running a GiRLiFE business.

  • I work for a camp, school program, church, etc. and would like to use the GiRLiFE materials. Are there licensing issues to copy the materials for multiple groups?

If you are running workshops in multiple locations, please contact Melody directly at to discuss the extended licensing plan. 

Could this message be a sign from the universe guiding you towards your destiny?

Imagine if in eight months from today, you could wake up excited about the meaningful work you’re going to do that day

  • You’re finally getting paid to do what you love, while making a change in the world.

  • You aren’t worrying about how you’re going to pay your monthly bills.

  • You’re living life on your own terms and working when and where you want.

  • You’re spending more time with your family, and doing hobbies you enjoy.

  • You’re no longer wasting time and money on frustrating solutions that just don’t work.

  • You’re getting testimonials from young girls who’ve attended your workshops like this one:

  • You’re getting testimonials from young girls who’ve attended your workshops like this one:

“What made me decide to become a GiRLiFE coaches was to empower my two daughters as they experienced bullying and anxiety. One specific story that is vivid in my mind is when a teen girl showed up to my virtual workshop with a hoodie on and the screen facing only her forehead in a dark room. When it was time to share, I asked her ‘What are you grateful for today?.’ Her response was ‘nothing.’ I tried to get her to see that maybe she could be grateful for her friends and her response was ‘I don’t have any friends. My only friend is my dog and she bites me.’ That broke my heart. At that moment, I tweaked the script to fit her needs by talking about self love instead. She continued attending my workshops and her transformation has been wonderful.  She smiles, shares her wins and struggles during the workshops, got a haircut and told her mom that she wants to dress how she feels more comfortable, meaning she no longer wanted her mom to pick her clothes for her. She is using her voice to create the life she wants. GiRLiFE is my only business and a source of income for my family.  I feel grateful to be part of the GiRLiFE family as these workshops have also healed my inner child and I’m able to show up confident.”

Luz Hernandez, Southgate, California

This is your destiny.

This is your sign.

Are you going to take hold of it and invest in your future today?

Everything you need to run a profitable business empowering girls. 

I love the belief of Melody Pourmoradi of "empowering women to empower girls." I love that her GiRLiFE certification program has everything already laid out for you. The program has community of other women who are empowering girls. I call it a Business in a Box. You have everything you need to run a profitable business empowering girls.

Madgie Avery, Temecula, CA

As a reminder, as soon as you sign for the the GiRLiFE Academy,

here’s everything you get inside:

  • GiRLiFE Academy 35 week training program
  • GiRLiFE Business-in-a-box - everything you need to plan and facilitate 17 empowerment workshops for girls 
  • GiRLiFE Marketing Toolkit 
  • Lifetime membership to the GiRLiFE Coach Community on Facebook
  • Partner in shine program
  • Nutrition module 
  • Virtual workshop module
  • Lifetime access to additional training and bonus workshops

Are you ready to change the statistics for our girls?

Are you ready to empower a young generation of girls across the globe, by creating a meaningful heart-centered business?

I can't wait to see you inside!

xo Melody

This program is proven to be impactful for all humans.
We welcome all genders, races, orientations, ages, religions, abilities, and cultures to join us on our mission of empowerment.